Fri 25 Nov 2022, 1pm
No format gallery
Second Floor Studios & Arts
Studio AL11
Moulding Lane, Deptford SE14 6BN
See map
Vegan lunch provided
Heidi Rustgaard (UK/NO) hosts a round table conversation with lunch.

Heidi Rustgaard

Since 1999 Heidi has worked together with Hanna Gillgren under H2DANCE. Working with a transdisciplinary choreographic approach, they have co-created nine full-evening international touring performances co-produced by partners in the UK and Nordic countries. Aside from various shorter works and commissions. In 2018 H2DANCE initiated and has since curated Fest en Fest an international festival of expanded choreography presenting British and Nordic artists in London, Cambridge and Colchester.
Heidi has delivered commissions for The Place, The Victoria & Albert and Natural History Museums in London, Transitions/Trinity Laban, London Contemporary Dance School, and The National Centre for Circus Arts. As a performer, Heidi has worked for companies like Duckie, Clod Ensemble, seven sisters group, Colin Pool, Silence Crossing.
Heidi is currently a lecturer in choreography at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.