Tues 22 Nov 2022, 5pm
Cambridge Junction
Clifton Way, Cambridge
See map
5pm (2 hours)
Food and drinks provided
Metal in partnership with Fest en Fest presents, In Other Words 2, a conversation hosted by artist, researcher and curator of In Other Words publications, Kate Marsh.
Following the first edition of In Other Words, which shared urgent reflections from 49 marginalised artists in 2020, exploring their hopes and fears for the future at a time of global crisis, this second edition focuses on the ‘now’.
“We wanted to acknowledge the position of artists in a period of great change and unknowing. In 2021, following numerous lockdowns and continued questions about the future of the arts, we wanted to create a second iteration of In Other Words, asking ‘How are you now’, this question was intended to make space for the experiences and perceptions of artists re-building their lives and their practice in unchartered territory.” Kate Marsh
Join us for a discussion about the latest collection and the themes of the book. The book brings together artists from the UK and internationally working across performance, literature, poetry and visual arts. Contributors explore isolation, longing, gender identity, racism, family bonds, mental health, and ableism amongst many others. This is a call for change from a group who are rich in wisdom and shared experience.
Read more about the book and purchase a copy from Metal here: metalculture.bigcartel.com/product/in-other-words-2

Kate Marsh

Kate Marsh is a disabled dance artist with over 20 years of experience in performing, teaching and making. Her recently completed PhD focuses on leadership in the context of dance and disability. She is currently a research fellow at C-DaRE (Coventry University Centre for Dance Research).
Kate is also co-producer of the Change Maker programme at the UK’s arts organisation “Metal Culture”. Change Maker is a programme funded by Arts Council England, with the aim of increasing the diversity of senior leadership in art and culture by helping to develop a cohort of leaders who are Black, minority ethnic and/or disabled by means of a targeted senior leadership training and development programme.